
BT INSIDER | Kelsey | Boutique Manager

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We spent the morning with our mega babe Manager Kelsey at our Bohemian Traders Boutique in Erina Heights. She gives us a peek inside a “normal” day at the boutique, her fave playlist for a Friday and her picks of our latest collection!

People We LOVE // @dedikated_lifestyle

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“I also love getting messages from women telling me the positive effect I’ve had on their lives. That because of me they’ve been able to wear their swimmers around their kids, have a day at the beach, go on a holiday, or eat food they’ve never tried because of diets, how amazing is that!” We spent the afternoon with the amazing Kate of @dedikated_lifestyle chatting all things side hustle, social media and body positivity… While trying on all her fave styles!

INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY SALE // A note from our Founder & Director, Emily Berlach

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Bohemian Traders is a predominately female staffed company and on this 2019 International Women’s Day it’s got me thinking – we’re a collective, us women, aren’t we? Mothers, daughters, sisters, partners – Women – forging our way in the world.

So here’s to all the Women the world over! To sisters, mothers, partner

From the Bohemian Traders team and I, Happy International Women’s Day!


Bohemian Traders Journal © theme by Blog Milk + Coded by Krista Rae