Join Plastic Free July With Us

Welcome to Plastic-Free July, a month dedicated to reducing plastic consumption and making sustainable choices. In line with this global movement, we are excited to share more details about our eco-friendly packaging solution. Did you know that our mailers are compostable, recycled, and reusable? We’ve partnered with Better Packaging Co to ensure that every order you make contributes to global reforestation and helps make the world a better place.

We've partnered with Better Packaging Co to ensure that every order you make contributes to global reforestation and helps make the world a better place

By choosing our eco-friendly packaging when shopping with us, you can make a positive impact on the environment. Our mailers are made from compostable materials, which means they will naturally break down and return to the earth without leaving behind harmful residues. You can dispose of them in your compost bin or at a composting facility, reducing waste in landfills and supporting the creation of nutrient-rich soil.

Additionally, our packaging is made from recycled materials, minimising the need for new resources and reducing energy consumption. By reusing our mailers, you extend their lifecycle and further reduce waste. It’s a simple yet powerful way to participate in Plastic-Free July and actively contribute to the global efforts of reducing plastic pollution.

When you shop with us, you’re not just receiving quality products but joining us in the journey towards a more sustainable future. Each order you make supports global reforestation initiatives, helping restore and protect vital ecosystems worldwide. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where nature thrives.


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