Your Capsule Wardrobe for a Month in Greece

Interior designer, mother and creator Gina Knight embarks on a sun-drenched odyssey to Greece. Below she shares her tips and tricks on how to approach international travel with nothing but carry-on.

Thank you so much for choosing to wear BT on your recent trip to Greece. We’d love to feature you and your trip on our BT blog. I have a few interview questions for you below. Would you mind answering them and sending them back with a selection of imagery from your trip (including you wearing BT, of course)?

Tell us a little about who you are and what you do.

My name is Gina. I am an Interior Designer for work and a mum most of the time. I live in Long Jetty with my two beautiful boys Biko (8) and Yorke (3), my amazing husband Cameron and our dog Thali. I love music, design, travelling, the ocean, reading and relaxing in my house.

You’ve just taken a month-long holiday to Greece, any highlights you can share with us?

It was the best holiday we’ve ever had as a family. The highlight was just being together every day, being warm, swimming in the ocean, eating fresh food, walking around and pretending we lived there. I recently found out that I am Greek, so it was nice having that little extra connection. Hydra is such a beautiful place. Everything you look at is beautiful

How does travel and seeing the world inspire you?

I love that travelling forces you to look back on your life at home and see it from a different perspective. I think it’s a really healthy thing to step out of your life for a little bit and reassess. I love seeing the way other people live, their homes and lifestyles, the landscapes and the environment. These things are all inspiring.

I believe you travelled with nothing but a carry-on. How did you approach your capsule wardrobe for this trip?

We were going into European summer, so we didn’t need too much. It was SO hot, we mostly wore swimmers and a few light outfits. I packed dark colours and patterns, things that folded up small and didn’t get too dirty. We stayed in one place, so we had a washing machine which was helpful. I put our toiletries into little 100ml bottles. Even with carry-on, I feel like I still overpacked! There were a few things we didn’t end up needing.

Which public personality has your favourite fashion style and why?

Ooo both Jane Birkin and Pattie Boyd would have to be my favourite style icons. I love Jane Birkin’s natural, classic, sexy, minimal style. I also love her fringe. Patti Boyd 60s 70s style is so great. I love her layered patterns and jewellery, short dresses, crochet lace, circle sunglasses, and hair.

In your work as an interior designer, you seem to draw on neutral palettes and natural textures. Do you find this ethos merges into your fashion decisions?

Yes definitely. My fashion style is pretty similar to my interior style. I guess with interior style I tend to keep things a bit more timeless. It’s easier with fashion to go with trends and change things up. With interiors usually it has to be something that can last the time and be adaptable to different styling choices. Kitchens, bathrooms and most interior changes are a huge investment for a client, so I like to stick with safe choices and make sure it age well.

You live on the Central Coast with your beautiful family. What are some of your favourite things to do (and eat and see) in your local area?

We love to surf or swim at Blue Bay. Watch the sunset at Long Jetty. I do yoga down the road at Komuniti a few times a week. We have lots of family and friends around, so we have dinners and fires at each other’s houses. My favourite thing is to have a few close friends over and drink wine and sing songs around our piano. We actually don’t eat out much these days! We had a beautiful little Japanese restaurant down our road that sadly just closed. That was my favourite spot to eat out.


– Favourite drink?

Fresh orange juice

– Go-to dish to cook for friends?

Oooo I try to cook something different every time. There is a nice pesto pasta with lemon zest I’ve definitely done more than once!

– Favourite room in the house?

This is hard, I like so many rooms! Maybe kitchen?

– Dog person or cat person?

Dog (but I won’t judge a cat person ☺️)

– Favourite season?


– If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

Oooo somewhere warm! Maybe South East Asia or somewhere in the Mediterranean.


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