Bohemian Traders | Stories • Stylist MEGAN MORTON

Megan Morton is a tremendously inspiring soul. As one of Australia’s most celebrated stylists her job is (in her own words) to “make atmospheres that make people insanely happy”. Her life’s work appears to be an ever-evolving, ongoing project. In addition to her work as a stylist, Megan has authored four beautiful books and established The School and The Studiospaces for inspiring, making, exploring and learning. Megan recently styled a beautiful shoot for Bohemian Trader’s Daydreamer collection in Paris and we took the chance to get to know Megan a little bit better so that you can get to know her too!

BT: It seems like your life’s work as a stylist is an ever-evolving, ongoing project. Not only as a celebrated stylist for private and corporate clients but having What is it about styling that has sustained your passion and enjoyment throughout the years?

MM: This is SUCH a good juice line of questioning! It’s very important to know that styling is more about teaching your eye, rather than shopping. It’s about knowing what the leave behind as much as it’s about knowing what to take / buy. And this is what sustains me, I can hone my eye anywhere! Any place, any country, any season, I don’t need to be flush with budget, it’s all about curating and editing.  I will be doing this at 90, and I already can’t wait!

BT: Something that is so compelling about The School is how you generate experiences from a few distinct angles. Through classes, workshops and excursions you have created a community in which people can learn, make and encounter together. What would you say to someone thinking about taking the plunge into what The School has on offer?

MM: I always tell people that timing is everything. Our classes are not every week, so I always think an investment in one of our classes is a beautiful synergy on both parts – The Schools and our students!

Daydreamer in Paris (by Megan Morton) from BOHEMIAN TRADERS on Vimeo.

BT: Travel seems to be such an integral component of what you do. Not only in drawing upon influences from a colourful variety of cultures but also sharing experiences of encounter and exploration through The School’s Excursions. India, Tokyo and Paris are some of the upcoming excursions on offer. How did you come to be immersing yourself in these stunning locations with a small group of style-enchanted strangers?

MM: It seems a natural extension to take people from a full day theoretical Masterclass to showing them the stylist’s secret paris for 5 days. Learning by doing and seeing is what I like to think of it as. We have been so humbled by the response to our Excursions, they now seem a natural continuation of what we offer in our classrooms but with a sleep over component!

BT: While we’re following the travel thread, is there anywhere in the world that you haven’t yet been, that you look forward to exploring?

MM: I am so looking forward to my trip to Peru in 2020!  Because we are stylists first and foremost we have created weaving and walking, mountains and making. This to me is exhilarating.

BT: We see such a joyful boldness in your work. Sometimes expressed visually as colour or counterbalance. But boldness also surfaces in your ambition as you bring people together around a love of all things creative. This makes us wonder… what was the last big risk you took? Did it lead to new discoveries?

MM: I decided to stop working for the whole of November, December, January and February. This has never happened in my adult lifetime.  I found this very hard to do as I had to let people I love working with go and really nut through the logistics of my business.  But of course, I am so deeply excited about the next phase, I am ready to rehire with new conditions and ways of work.

If you feel inspired to step into a splendid new world of workshops, classes and excursions, look no further than The School — click here to begin your journey!

Check out this gorgeous gallery of looks styled by Megan and shot by Flore Vallery-Radot on a recent Paris excursion,


Photography & Video by Flore Vallery-Radot


Styled by Megan Morton




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