MUMMAS WE LOVE • Emily Berlach @emilyberlach
In light of our fabulous ‘Mumma and Me’ promotion we’re bringing a new series to the journal, ‘Mummas We Love’. In this series we’ll give you a peek into the day-to-day lives of some incredibly stylish and busy mothers wearing their favourite Mumma and Me-inspired BT pieces.
First up we’ve got the creative mind behind our brand Bohemian Traders, Founding Director Emily Berlach, @emilyberlach

Describe your perfect day off.
It would be a day at the beach with the family during summer time. Fish and chips for lunch, pizza and beer for dinner. I’d not gain a single kilo for my irresponsible food choices and my kids would fall asleep blissfully before the sun went down. Wanna join us?!
Coffee or tea?
Describe to us what a day in your life looks like.
Hmmm, no two days are the same but the one consistent is Dave brings me a coffee before I get up! Then it’s lunch boxes, breakfast, uniforms for the kids, dressing for work and then a sold eight hours in the office. Dave and I usually make a point of breaking for lunch together each day before getting back into it. Around 5pm we go about collecting the kids, head home, homework, dinner, bath and bed for the kids. After the young ones are in bed we clean up after dinner, finish up any urgent and important work tasks, pour a glass of wine and dig into our favourite Netflix series.

When it comes to dressing your babes what are the key things you look for?
On the daily it’s comfort and quality, no question. Our kids dress themselves and we really value independence and initiative, so when shopping for them, I keep it basic. Tights, flippy skirts and dresses, striped tees. Having said that, we’re currently in Italy and I’ve ensured the girls and I have a few matching ensembles, because Sound of Music, right?
If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be and why
RIGHT HERE!! In Italy, skipping out on the Australian winter and spending excellent quality time with our kids. Our lives are busy and often stressful so we find being on another time zone helpful in disconnecting from work and focusing on family. Traveling together is an abundant blessing that I never expected!
What are you currently binging on Netflix (or Stan, or TV in general)
Oh my gosh, don’t get me started! Netflix is a VERY important part of my life. Ha. We’re up to date with Billions and Killing Eve.

What is your favourite part about being a parent?
There is so much laughter with kids. I so enjoy their humour and individuality and it’s a privilege to guide them through their emotions, responses and decisions. My favourite part of being a parent though is the love – what a gift to be able to love so deeply. Takes my breath away some days and has me pulling my hair out on others.
What is the strangest (or best?) gift your little one has ever given you?Ha! This is a fun one!! Hmmm, children are such generous things, aren’t they? Always gifting found treasures, stolen flowers and left over lunches. The strangest thing though… I’m at a loss, sorry!! Probably something from the Mother’s Day stall!
What do you love about the Bloom/Sundancer pieces you and your little ones are wearing?
I’m obsessed with this seasons prints – it was such a privilege to work beside our graphic designer as she created them. I love the wash and wearability of rayon and I love that we can all be a bit matchy matchy while keeping our individual style. Too serious? But truly, my daughters have very different taste in clothing and I just love that one can clash patterns with a Henley Tee and Skirt while the other can keep in classic in a dress.
How would you describe your personal style?
I love fashion but I’m a lazy dresser most of the time. If I’m not in jeans and a tee, I’ll reach for the Backless Maxi or Rell skirt and crew neck tee. I’m also a major fan of a blazer – goes with everything.

For a limited time when you purchase any print piece from our ‘Bloom Baby Bloom’ or ‘Sundancer’ collections you will receive a complimentary matching piece for your little one. *Promotion excludes Bloom Baby Bloom and Sundancer wraps.
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